Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy Weekend

So I had a very busy weekend. Friday night I missed my evening nap, since I was out for drinks after work, and at a Kaiser Tournament with Point 2. My team ended up in second place over the weekend, and I won a $30 or $40 gift certificate to Galaxy Cinemas.Which is great, because I like free stuff, but I haven't been to the galaxy in a couple months. My basement is just too awesome, cheaper, better food, more comfortable. I'll have to find someone to take on a date to the theater to use it up (applications will be accepted).

Saturday was Meatfest, making me miss my evening nap again! But I ate a lot of meat. It was a lot of fun. A little upset Jason couldn't make it, as I was looking forward to meeting his girlfriend, whom is now bearing his child. Lots of good company there. We had a whole pig roast, and a lot of the meatfest staples (Rib O Pork, wings, bacon, burgers, sausage, lots of good stuff). Got home no too late, hit the sack around 2 as per usual, and slept in until 6:30.

Sunday, I didn't nap at all. 6:30am till 11pm. Boy was I worn out. But I got my cow, and we now have an extremely full deep freeze. Cooked up some steaks last night too. They were delicious. I think I will definitely be doing this every year from now on. So I went to bed Early, since I hadn't napped, and was exhausted. Got almost 6 hours of sleep, with just a couple times of getting up through out the night. It was weird. I'm a little concerned about how it will effect my naps today, but I'm feeling really tired right now, and I am due for a nap, so I think I'll be able to bounce back to my schedule pretty quick.

I think it's just like a normal person. Anyone who did all the stuff I did would be worn out. Was a fun weekend though.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Roomies Sleep / Cow

So I found it interested how dead my roomies were yesterday. They stayed up "late" and it killed them. They were up until 12:30 ish or so, which was surprising to me. But I enjoyed that it killed them. I was up at 5am that day, with only 2 naps, I missed my evening one, and I stayed up until 1:30ish, and was fine. They, with their normal Monophasic sleep we up like 7:30 or 8 ish (not sure exactly when, I'm long gone) and dead by just after midnight. I really hit home how much more functional I can be on much less sleep, which I think is a good thing.

This post is taking forever to make, silly work, making me do stuff.

My Cow is ready. I'll be picking it up this weekend, or more likely, make my mother pick it up. I'm pretty excited to have a ton of meat. However, I am broke. Probally not for too long, as roomies pay me back and we sell some of the excess meat.

If anyone has any advice on how to get a coworker to talk less / sing badly less, I would greatly appreciate it.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Wow, two posts in a month. You guys sure are spoiled.

Had a fun weekend. A friend from Edmonton was in town. We tried out the multiplayer in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, on DS. It was a ton of fun, but we made the cardinal flaw when playing RPG's. We played for a couple hours, doubled our level, unlock a bunch of cool looking new armour, and didn't save. Then we hit a communications error, and lost all our progress. Turned us a little off the game. We'll likely play again, and get those same levels when we head to Edmonton next, and can cut another friend in.

Other than that, reasonably uneventful weekend. I started watching Big Bang Theory, due to a recommendation at work. I thought it was very funny, but very geeky humour. I can't imagine there is a large crowd who finds a father scorning his son for not knowing where to use a derivative versus and integral funny. But I do.

Also started watching The Riches. I quite enjoy it, I'm on episode 7 already. I like the premise of essentially faking their way into a decent chance at life, then working their butts off to keep it. It also helps that the two main female characters are quite attractive. I'm quite curious to see how the show progresses.

No news from my cow yet. I was a little dissappointed that I haven't heard from them yet. It'll make it more difficul tto get it, as this weekend coming up is Meatfest, which ties a lot of it up, and the weekend after is a planned trip to Edmonton. Hopefully I can sort something out.

But back to work. Short day due to school, so I should probally accomplish something now...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I do post, occaisionally

So I decided to write another post here. I might just take some advice, and post boring normal day to day stuff. The Grateful Dead song pack for Rock Band IS fun! It also exposed Roomie R as a musical Fraud, as he apparently didn't know any Grateful Dead. Like come on! Truckin'? Not ringing any bells? He is a disgrace to the house.

Tyler IS THE BEST! No idea why yet. But according to my comments, that is the case. Maybe he should get a prize for being the only person who still checks this blog occaisionally? At least the only one who hounds me about not updating it. Although I'm sure Ash would, if I saw her more. So Ash IS ALSO THE BEST!

Let's see. Other cool things in my life lately.

-I haven't mentioned it in the blog yet, I bought a new car. It's a '08 Matrix. I quite like it. New cars are nice.

-I got a raise last performance review. Raises are nice. I'm not allowed to talk about it though, due to confidentiality in those matters.

-I'm on day like lots of my sleep schedule. 315ish I think? Last couple days I've been sleeping a fair bit extra. Tuesday I napped from my normal 8:30ish until about midnight, which was unexpected. I did miss my afternoon nap due to a meeting at work, and had a couple beers after work, which I think combined to make me sleep. When I got up midnightish though, I stayed up until 3:30 or 4ish, so it was reasonably close to just moving my core earlier. Lastnight I sleep similar though, which is bad, I'll have to crack down this weekend and adjust back to schedule.

-Work is busy, as per usual. My "department" is severly understaffed. I don't enjoy it immensely. At least it's keeping me busy.

-We started planning our annual trip to Seattle for PAX. Anyone who is interested in coming down this year should get more info at and contact me. I've got space in the hotel for 2 people Thursday night, through Sunday Night. Looks like Pax pass is about $45, and airfare is shaping up to be about $250. Lots of Fun!

-I've started doing Yoga. I find it pretty relaxing, and good for my body. My back is bad, and it's somewhat humourous how flexible I am, as long as my back isn't involved, but as soon as my back needs to bend or spin, I can't do shit. Hopefully that improves with time.

-School is going well. I was very concerned when I saw I got a 64% on my midterm, but then I learned the class average was like 42% or something, and I felt better. I was still in the top 25% of the class. That confidence was boosted when I got the lab exam back, and saw a nice 100% on it. I haven't found any histograms or anything on it, so no idea how well the class did. Typical of my performance in a lot of comp sci stuff though. The programming / practical parts I do very well on, and the stupid memorization of definitions or whatever, not so hot.

-BOONDOCK SAINTS 2 IS GOING TO EXIST!!!!! I loved the first one, so I'm reasonably excited about a sequel. Not sure how it will work out, hopefully they don't screw it all up.

-I'm going to have to cut my work hours back in the fall. If I keep my schedule as it is, I will bank an estimated 200 extra hours... That's a lot of overtime (5 weeks vacation?). Maybe I can do a 6am to 3pm work day. That would be nice. For stick with 6am to 5pm, and take every friday off? I'll have to talk to my boss about it. That said, with the lowered hours, I'll have to find some projects to work on this summer. Maybe I can get around to starting a game to put in a portfolio. Between me an dother friends who are also interested, we've fleshed out some decent game designs I'd like to make, maybe I'll actually start one this summer. Or right away...

-I bought a cow. I'm pretty excited to have a lot of meat just in time for the BBQ season to start. Might have to have a end of term BBQ early April. We'll see if I get the meat by then...

That's a reasonable update... I should get back to work... And I am getting close to nap time.
Feel free to comment / email me. Hopefully (like I always say) I'll start checking / updating this blog more often.