Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ok, I fail

I didn't do a very good job of getting my life together yet. But now it is becoming more and more important that I do.

I've started a small business. I'm still working full time. As a result, I really need to get back on schedule to find time for all this work. This should be easier now that the weather has improved, and sleeping in my car is an option again. So starting Thursday, I'll be hitting a full transition attempt again. I figure the heavy effects of sleep dep won't hit until later Friday or Saturday then, and I should be functional by Monday. Note that that is a schedule I would NOT recommend any first adapter's strive for. I know how my body works, and I know I can hit that. I also have enough holidays banked that come Monday, if I'm not functional, I will just take a holiday. I also have a ton of work I can do for both my jobs right now, so finding things to do to keep me awake should not be an issue.

For the sake of accountability, I want people to hound me to update this over the next week. So if you are a reader, email me! chkurz is my username, and I use the great gmail.com for mail, so put those together.

Catch you on the flipside!


Nolto said...

So, I won't see you this weekend?

Fireflyoftheearth said...

I would love to read more about how you're doing on the Polyphasic sleep schedule.

Rainbow Blaze said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rainbow Blaze said...

Hi there! My name is Kat, I'm in year 12 and I'm studying health. For my second assignment, I have to investigate and partake in a health related practice. I've been polyphasic for nearly 50 days. I was wondering if I would be able to ask you some questions about your routine, your successes and your failures! It would be really helpful if you could partake in this survey/interview :3

And sorry about deleting the other comment, I'd pasted the wrong content!

Pocket Full Of Goldfish said...

You should start up the blog again. I'm one of you're three faithful readers :)