Tuesday, July 22, 2008

100 Pushups

Well I was checking some of my usual blogs, and one jumped out at my eye. Oh God, The Chicken! is a polyphaser who is doing a 100 push up program he found online. Now I am not in great physical shape, and I know it. I think I might try this program out too. Tonight I think I'll do my initial test to see how out of shape I am. Hopefully this will become a good habit of doing some pushups everyday. Back in university a friend claimed that if you could do one thing, every day for a month, it would become a habit. I wont be doing pushups every day for a month, this plan is 3 times weekly, but hopefully that logic will still put me on a schedule where I continue maintaining my fitness. I'll post my push up counts and results here so you can all publicly humiliate me.

I might do a bit of research and see if there is a similar plan for sit ups. Good easy exercises I don't have to buy anything to do, that will hopefully improve my physical well being.

Or an even better idea. I'll allot 30 minutes every morning (showing up a touch later to work than I do now) before my shower to exercise. I'll do this pushup plan 3 times a week, and actually get back into Yoga for the other 4 days. Yeah. That sounds like a good plan. Maybe I'll actually do it outside too on nice mornings, and do my Sun Salutations to the rising sun.

How fast can I make the neighbours think I'm crazy? Although I guess none of my neighbours will be up at that time in the morning... I think I will start tomorrow.

1 comment:

Andrew Clouse said...

Awesome, happy to hear someone else is trying it too!

I was thinking the same thing - what to do after the 6 weeks? I figured maybe a harder pushup routine (6 wk for 100 inclined pushups) or maybe situps as well.

If you're really ambitious, here's another option: couch to 5K in 6 weeks (http://www.healthbolt.net/2006/07/13/go-from-couch-to-5k-in-5-weeks/)

Fortunately, we have 6 weeks to figure it out. Good luck to you - keep us posted on your progress.
