Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well, shortly after I made that post, I ended up quite sick. Thus my great plan to start doing pushups and Yoga did not start. I'm just now getting back to 100%. Not entirely sure what it was, but it sure kicked my ass.

So now that I'm finally feeling better, I did my benchmark pushup set yesterday. I got 23 pushups. Today, my arms feel rubbery. I intend to start the actual workout schedule this weekend. Maybe tomorrow.

I slept brutal last night. I think it's because I was working on a paper for school, which is extremely boring. My arms also were tired, and I had missed my evening nap due to a gig (which was a lot of fun, and went quite well). When I alarm went off I actually reset it for 30 minutes later. I still feel exhausted though. Hopefully my morning nap will correct that.

For folks to just can't get enough of me, I have recently created a twitter account. Largely so I can play with twitter from my iPhone. My account is Toad008. Feel free to start following me and make me feel popular. Adding that to my Facebook account, and Last.FM account, you can know stalk every aspect of my life! YAY!

Also as a heads up, you should watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long blog. It is entertaining. I quite enjoyed it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

100 Pushups

Well I was checking some of my usual blogs, and one jumped out at my eye. Oh God, The Chicken! is a polyphaser who is doing a 100 push up program he found online. Now I am not in great physical shape, and I know it. I think I might try this program out too. Tonight I think I'll do my initial test to see how out of shape I am. Hopefully this will become a good habit of doing some pushups everyday. Back in university a friend claimed that if you could do one thing, every day for a month, it would become a habit. I wont be doing pushups every day for a month, this plan is 3 times weekly, but hopefully that logic will still put me on a schedule where I continue maintaining my fitness. I'll post my push up counts and results here so you can all publicly humiliate me.

I might do a bit of research and see if there is a similar plan for sit ups. Good easy exercises I don't have to buy anything to do, that will hopefully improve my physical well being.

Or an even better idea. I'll allot 30 minutes every morning (showing up a touch later to work than I do now) before my shower to exercise. I'll do this pushup plan 3 times a week, and actually get back into Yoga for the other 4 days. Yeah. That sounds like a good plan. Maybe I'll actually do it outside too on nice mornings, and do my Sun Salutations to the rising sun.

How fast can I make the neighbours think I'm crazy? Although I guess none of my neighbours will be up at that time in the morning... I think I will start tomorrow.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So I think I'm getting an iPhone today? I'm pretty excited. I have an appointment at 1:30 where I think they are going to get me all set up. It'll be nice to actually have a cell phone and move into the 20th century. I'm a little concerned that I'm going to get all sorts of calls I don't want now though. My privacy is going to be invaded, in a big big way.

So I expect to have a flicker account soon, to post all the random gps tagged photos I'll be taking. I'm excited to see if I can write blog entries from it without too much hassle, as that will help me maintain this blog. It'll be a big change.

I've been having weird dreams in my naps lately. I think a big part of it is the heat. I sleep in my car to get away from the office, and to get a bit of fresh air. I do leave my windows open for a breeze, and have window blocks and such to try to reduce the heat in my car, but it very often is a couple degrees over room temperature, especially in the afternoon. I still usually sleep fine, I Just wake up a touch sweaty, and have weird dreams.

Case in point: Yesterday, during my afternoon nap, I dreamt that I woke up, and walked upstairs back to work and sat down at my desk to get back to work, then I realized, in my dream, that I was dreaming, and woke up. In my car. So I had to get up, and go upstairs to work. It was the worst part of waking up, twice. My brain likes to torture me like that apparently.

I was going through my traffic numbers the other day, as I am inclined to every now and then. I have been getting a fair bit of traffic lately from a source I hadn't noticed before. He's got a pretty decent collection of bloggers and other decent information. He's been doing a pretty decent job of keeping it up to date as well. I recommend it as a good starting point to gather resources if you are thinking about trying polyphasic sleep. PureDoxyk's book would be the other great resource I highly recommend. According to him, I'm the second longest sleeper he's found, second to only PureDoxyk. So I think that means I can say I'm the longest Canadian Polyphasic sleeper. That's kinda cool, in my books anyway.

Still waiting to hear from Ryan my photographer friend with the Edmonton Journal who did the video on me last year. He mentioned at my Canada Day Party that he wanted to do a follow up, but hasn't given me any details yet. Maybe it's because he has this whole wedding thing to worry about. I'll let you all know if / when the follow up goes live.

That's abou tit for today. In the future I'll be trying to seperate my posts more. There's a feed (Jorel's) which I might start contributing to, but I don't want to bother all the other polyphaser's with my useless drivel I Often post. So all sleep related posts will become their own seperate post. We'll see if I can actually get in that habit...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So I saw this article yesterday. The first thing that came to my mind was a song from the Jerry Springer Opera. I can't quote it here, as it involves a couple swears.
So I read the first 3 bullets, Electronic boarding pass, that's convenient. Personal info? they have all that anyway on my passport, so I can live with that. Position tracking of myself and luggage? If it reduces lost luggage, they can likely get most of that info from my boarding and such, well that's nice.
Oh Wait. Taser? Shocking me and making me immobile. Wait. I don't like that. Or do I?
No. I don't.

Here is an article where they talk about Dog Collars that shock being cruelty to animals. Now, I've tried those dog collars out (long story) and the shock it administers is not very big. For a big dog, that likely surprises it and nothing more. That was considered cruelty to animals. Now let's take the same technology, up the shocking aspect to the point where it will immobilize a person, bingo! That's not inhumane, or cruel or anything!

If this comes into law, in the states, I am not flying there anymore. Hopefully I can get some cross ocean flights out of Canadian territory. I refuse to fly while being treated lower than a dog. I am shocked this is even being considered. Have humans in the United States lost all claims to any sort of rights?

Sorry for the op-ed, political piece. I just saw that article, and was PISSED off. If anything remote close to this starts it's way into Canadian Legislation, I'll update you all, and find resources to fight it.

Friday, July 4, 2008


I'm alive!
I survived Jazz Festival. My schedule is just now starting to slow down a bit. A little anyway. I still haven't cashed any cheques from it, but they are all in my wallet. I should be able to hit the bank tomorrow. I ended up only attending two shows this year, as I just couldn't find time for more. I caught Ivana Santilli after my Broadway opening gig, and watching Kellylee Evans. I also caught Dave Brubeck. Both were pretty awesome shows. I preferred Ivana with a full band though, like last time I saw her, and not this keyboard based trio. Dave Brubeck was weird because the band was so old, but just rocking. He could barely walk, and talked extremely slowly, but then he just played like a madman. So very good.

My sleeping is pretty much back on schedule now. Only took me a day or two to get back to normal. I'm still hitting the snooze in the mornings a bit, so I'm getting closer to 3.5 or 4 hours in my core. Hopefully this weekend I'll correct that. I think I need to update my TODO list, of things to keep my extra time busy. I've not been productive with my time at all lately. One of the catches is just a lack of a good place to keep the list, that's always accessible to me. That problem will very likely go away in about a week.

I'm intending to pick up a 3g iPhone. I figure it's about time I move into the Cell world. Although the cell aspect is extra to me. More important is the calendar, and being able to check my email. It'll also be a convenient way to keep an extra copy of my nap mp3's, and a fun toy. It will likely end up being an expensive toy though. I'll write up some sort of boring review for it once I have had it for a bit. I'm reasonably excited.

Ryan Jackson, my friend photojournalist who did that piece on my a year ago, was discussing doing a follow up with me sometime soonish. I thought that was a pretty good idea, but I need to get some big things accomplished soon then to make it seem better. Hopefully the parts for the Bass I'm building arrive soon, and I can work on that. I think I'm going to re-edge the garden sometime in the next week or two as well. Those are likely some not too shabby accomplishments. We'll see.

But I should get to work, I have a bunch of things I really need to accomplish in the next month, before my very long and super awesome holiday.