Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Day

Pollens are down to Moderate today, almost 1/2 as high count wise as yesterday. Which means I can see again. And I can trim my pill intake to closer to the recommended dosages. YAY!

Saw this today:
It's someone how made a image of all the brands she used / was exposed to in a day. I thought it was very interesting, but also reveals maybe a little more about the person than you wanted to know. I disagree with some things, like showing a logo more than once in a time period. I'm not interested in how much starbucks you consume for instance, it's just interesting to see when you are exposed to it. Also putting weed in as a brand isn't true, as it's not a brand. I'm thinking about doing something similar. Maybe I will for tomorrow. I'll try to make a record, but after I finish, we'll see if I post it. It is a Friday, and I don't want it to be too incriminating. Hopefully I remember to start it in the morning.

1 comment:

Nolto said...

It's true that "weed" is not a brand. However, there are brands of weed.