Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome, and day 110

Welcome everyone who is coming to visit due to the coverage I have gotten in teh Edmonton Journal. For those who aren't here from there, Here is a link to the story.

I posted my summary of my first 100 days yesterday, so I recommend reading that if your interested. Also Check out some of the links on the sidebar, I recommend the Google Group and PureDoxyk's Blog. When I last read it Wikipedia also had a decent article on it.

Hopefully you find this informative. Please feel free to comment here or email me (chkurz (at) gmail (dot) com) with any questions. I'll try to answer all of them.


Polartch said...

Wow, nice job on the news paper article!

Coralee said...

Great article. Can I advertise on your blog? I will pay. Traffic should be increasing like crazy.