Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day 116

Today is my first actual day of classes. I'm here at work, early, getting some stuff done, so I can be gone through most of the core part of the day. I'm somewhat excited. My adjustments to my sleep schedule seem to be going very well. I'm now somewhat adjusted to 2-5am core, with naps around 9am, 2:30pm and 9pm. I might move my core back another hour yet. Haven't decided.

So this video I had made about my sleeping for the Edmonton Journal seems to be making me more popular. The traffic here on my blog has increased. It's not a huge jump (well it was the day the video went live), but it is noticable. The more apparent difference though is just recpetion from the media. I've got a preliminary meting with a program director from CBC radio for an interview. We'll see how that pans out, and there is a journalist from Ontario who is also expressing interest in an interview. As per usual, I'll keep you updated with how those pan out. I knew when I started this I was reasonably unique, but I was not expecting as many people to show interest in it as they have. I'm glad that people find it interesting.

But I should get to work. Stay tuned for the next update.


Aysha said...

So Cody! Would you be up for it? I was hoping to pitch the idea this morning and have the phone interview scheduled on Monday if that would work! Congrats on all the media attn :) and good luck with class today! Would love to hear how the new schedule is going!

Toad008 said...

Sending you an Email Aysha.