Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 127

So I had a rough weekend.
My nap that happens at 8:30pmish now is bad. i'm finding when I eat late, which is most of the time, I'm eating just before that nap, which isn't very good. It also makes me sleep. It's really hard to get up from that nap, and this weekend I laid down for that nap twice, and woke up an hour later, almost 10 ish, which really throws off a lot of my weekend plans.
I'm going to have to experiment this week to see how I can tweak things to still work with school, but make that evening nap a little easier. Maybe it's as easy as trying to nap before eating. That's likely my first change. that will likely move the nap a little earlier too, closer to 5 or 6.

Currently discussing a ski trip with Kyro from GnoSchitt, I haven't travelled with him before, and he hasn't worked with me since I started this odd sleep schedule. I wonder if he's aware of what he might be getting into by thinking about travelling with me. I hope wherever we end up staying has some sort of all night lounge? or at least a space I can sit and play DS without having to worry about waking him up. Should be fun though.

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