Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 120

Hurray! 120 days of my odd sleep schedule.

I was contacted today by CBC news. Apparently they try to match some of the stories of the Morning Show, and I might be doing a TV spot Tuesday night, on the 6pm news. I'll let you know tom morrow if that's happening or not. We still need to work out some times to actually do it. Hopefully I can slot it in before returning to work after class.

Of course it won't be as good as the awesome video the Ryan made to start this whole media parade. I'm glad people find my life interesting enough to talk to me. Maybe I should start a class or something. "How to Change to Polyphasic Sleeping" or "Step One in Becoming a Vampire: Turning Nocturnal". I think the only class I could stand teaching is one where I could sleep for 20 minutes during it, as a teacher, and have that be expected. Maybe I'll pitch that to the university.

On a sleeping note: Everything is still great. I felt a little under the weather on the weekend, and as a result, have one or two naps that went a little longer. I'm feeling much better now though, so hopefully it was just a very short lived illness. I'm a little behind on my walks. I haven't had a good long walk in almost a week now. So tonight, I'ma walking baby!

Also, I would just like to say, Roomie R has proven yet again that we can't leave him alone with anything that cooks without supervision. He microwaved some hot dogs into a lot of black smoke, a horrible horrible lingering smell, and two chunks of charcoal. I didn't think a microwave could make charcoal like that. I was proven wrong. On a side note, our new microwave is pretty nice, and it has a dial, so he can't screw up anymore. Never expected to have to make our house him-proof.

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