Monday, July 2, 2007

Day 50

So I'm now on a nice big round number.
50 Days on this sleep schedule, and I'm still really loving it. I got in a bit of trouble last night from one of my regular readers, because I've not been updating recently, but I'm been super busy.

I have played about 6 shows in the last 7 or 8 days. Jazz festival is Fun. Plus I've attended 3 or 4 concerts in that time. I also found out last Saturday that my Great Grandmother passed away. She was 99. That just added a day of travelling for the funeral in the middle of my busy week. It worked out ok, because the funeral ended up planned for a day that I conviently didnt have a gig or anything booked, so I didn't have to scramble to re-organize anything.

Ryan's been here this weekend too, and we're are actually filming some footage as I type this for the documentary thing he's working on for the Edmonton Journal. It should turn out ok. My one qualm is I had my headphones die on me a couple days previous, so I'm currently using "Head-Set-Superhero" which is an amazing headset. It has been around for about 5 or 6 years now, and it is a mess. There is very little foam left on it, and a wide collection of tape holding the entire thing together, so it's not the most attractive thing, but pretty comfortable. It also has a mic though, so I may look a little crazy with a mic in front of my mouth while sleeping. Oh well, I'm sure Ryan will make it all look amazing anyway.

But I should probally wrap this post up. We need to get some other footage today too. I'm going to start work on the summary of my sleeping experience tonight, after my 11 nap. So hopefully I can post that in a couple days.

I'm going to try to get back to a reasonable updating schedule too. So keep your eye'shere, and hopefully you can enjoy more updates.

Now I am just pretending to type more, so that Ryan can get a bit more footage, hould I leave this in the post? I think I might, just because I am too lazy to remove it. hmm. may be a little odd, but oh well. Hes still egging me on the keep typing, so I shall. This is a little tedious, as what the heck to type, while being forced to?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, glad to see you've managed to keep on track so long. I'm only on Day 11 of my journey so far, and loving it.

I put together a community for "poly-phasers" as I like to call them. Stop by and say hello if you get the chance :D