Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 1 Update

OK, update time. It's currently midnight on day 1, and I'm not feeling too tired yet. The week is young yet though, I think I'm just excited. I just finished making a white noise CD, with an alarm sound built in. This CD will play for 25 minutes, then kick in my alarm noise. I'm using a synthetic rooster crow, as that's what my alarm clock has, and I've been waking up to it for years.

I had another nap before heading home today at 5. It went much like my noon nap. I think the white noise will help. I might pack a pillow in my car as well. Might need to pick up a fan or something too.

So I promised earlier that I'd explain what I'm doing but after looking at my earlier post, I don't think I will. I'll just say I'm shifting my sleep schedule to more of an Everyman's sleep schedule, in the polyphasic style. There are links to the left, feel free to do more research on your own.

For informational purposes, my current plan is to have a core sleep from 4am to 7am, and a 20-25 minute nap at noon, 5pm, and 11pm. (totaling 4.5 hours of sleep a day). I've also, after some thinking, planning, and discussions on the Google group, decided to try and ease myself into it. This week is my first week, and I'm starting my noon, and 5pm naps. I am also staying up later, and waking up earlier, and trying to deprive myself of a little sleep to make those naps easier. Hopefully not sleep deprived enough to be to detrimental to my work. I hope after a couple days of getting used to the 2 hard naps, I'll start napping at 11pm, and staying up till 2 or 3. Then I'll just slowly reduce my core sleep to my goal of 4am start time.

The reason I'm doing this is for interests sake. Sounded interesting, so why not? plus "finding" and extra 4 hours in a day is not too shabby ( 28 hours a week.) I intend to use that time to learn Japanese, try to get in a bit better shape by jogging late at night, work on some hobby software ideas, and hopefully do more baking. I'll add more to the list as I get more into the swing of things. It's hard to think of thigs to do, as I don't want to do anything too physical, so I don't get too tired, nor can it be too boring, or lax, as I might just fall asleep. Suggestions will be noted and considered.

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