Sunday, May 27, 2007

End of weekend

I had a very fun weekend, but not a very good one for sleeping.

Friday night I was at the Hose, having some beers with old co-workers. I entirely skipped my 11pm nap, partially because I wasn't thinking and drank rye and coke, which is caffienated, and kept me up. I was extremely exhausted the next day.

Saturday I was at a house party. I thought a little further ahead and drank beer until after my nap, which went good. But then I drank far too much, and slept through my morning alarm, and slept all the way to when I am normally waking up from my first nap... so I guess the timing worked ok, but that was far too much sleep.

So the conclusion I have come to if I can drink, but I can't get super stupid crunk, or I'll have to change the schedule somewhat temporarily, which is definitely acceptable. I knew I'd have to make some sacrifices when I started doing this, and that will apparently be one of them. The weekend though is leaving me a little more tired than I have been previously. Hopefully it doesn't take long to get back on the good schedule.

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