Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 11

I felt much better yesterday after my naps. That is one of the odd, unexpected results of this experiment so far. I am not tired before my naps usually, until about 10 or 15 minutes just before them, and I am a little groggy for about 5 minutes or so after waking up, but then I feel great. The only time I feel tired is always when I wake up from my core sleep period. It's a real chore to get up when that alarm goes off, but my nap alarms I can just spring up from. I think it's because I haven't quite nailed in the schedule of that Core sleep yet, so my body isn't getting too accustomed to it. I have successfully transitioned into 3 naps a day. Those are easy. I am also really enjoying the 4 hours or so of me time I'm getting every day after my roomies go to bed, even if I'm not really accomplishing anything great in that window yet.

I think next week, maybe tuesday or wednesday, so I can have some recovery time after the weekend, I'm going to be very rigid with my core sleep times to try and force that transition into place.

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