Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Day 17

Had to bed a little earlier last night. It was only 2:30 or so. That is disappointing. I think the problem occured because I changed my 11 nap a little. Due to the other things happening at my house, I took my 11 nap in my bed, instead of the futon, and didn't use my white noise cd. As a result it wasn't a very good nap. This sleep experiment is really seeming like it will be what finally forces me to pick up some sort of MP3 player, so I can keep my white noise track closer to me, and increase it's flexability. I guess I'll have to check my budget to see if / when I can afford one.

This blog got it's first visitor from Europe! Hello my overseas friend. I setup the Google Analytics on this blog, just so I'd have some sort of record keeping. I'm quite happy with it, it's a pretty next little app. I don't get a ton of visitors, but It's interesting to be able to see some of that information. I also enjoy making guesses as to who it is visiting from where. I have a visitor from Edmonton that is checking this blog close to daily (Hi Ash!). There's a slightly less regular visitor from North Battleford too, but I am not sure who that is. Saskatoon I have a very large number of visitors, which makes it a lot harder to figure / guess who those are. Makes for a fun game though. I think it would be even more fun if some of you visitors would comment on my posts. Tell me what you like about my posts, ask questions, generally help me improve this blog, and give you guys the content you want. I intended it as a record of my experiment, but that makes for a reasonably boring read, so I think I'm going to start bloging about other things. I need the weather to clear up so I can go make some good stories about my adventures in the wee hours of the morning.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 16


So like I said I would on day 11, I have started being more ridgid in my core sleep times. I went to bed promptly at 4am last night, after trying to keep myself awake. I was a little worn out when I went to bed. Alarm went off at 7, and I woke up. But then, while I remember the next 40-45 minutes, I just wasn't functional. I was in a state of awake, but not really. It's hard to explain. But the important thing to note, is I'm hurting. What I'm feeling this morning is what I was expecting during the adjustment period. It sucks. But I think that I'm at the stage when I'm somewhat comfortable with my schedule asa 3am-7am core, with my 3 naps. And that's not where I want to end up, so time to force my body into the schedule I want. Hopefully I can adjust to this within a couple of days.

My weekend summary, with the lack of sleep and abundance of drinking, has started some discussion over at my friend Kevin's blog ( ). He, I guess, is my polyphasic pal. We're both starting reasonably similar sleep plans around the same time (I think I started maybe a couple days before him) We're also going through a lot of the same things. With a couple distinctions.
I couldn't give up my Tea. I have cut back, and I only allow myself at most, 1 glass of tea, and I make it right after a nap, and I give myself about 30 minutes to finish it. I find it really helps me feel more alert and awake after a tough nap, and has not (or doesn't seem to) effect my napping at all. Kevin has dropped caffeine entirely. He's also quit drinking entirely, where I still have a beer every now and then. I am cutting back on both, but trying not to cut them entirely. I made a bunch of sacrifices for this sleep schedule, but I'm trying to make as few as possible.

Kevin also brought up some good points in a recent post that I had never thought about, but makes sense. He has not been very consistent with his nap locations, and is speculating that it may have a deterimental effect. I guess in that I would be the other side of the controlled experiment. Due to constraints at work, I always have my noon, and 5 nap in my car, and my 11 nap is most often on the futon in the basement, Core Sleep is in bed. The only thing that ever changes in that is my 11 nap sometimes is in a car, if I'm out. Even when I leave work early to get home before my 5 nap, I usually sleep in my car. Largely because by the time I get home, I'm just exhausted, because it's close to nap time. Walking inside is a freaking long walk. plus I have a comfortable blanket that is right beside me. Although I park on the street, in front of my neighbours house. They must think I'm weird, as there have been days when they were workign on something in the garage, and I pulled up in front of their house, and shifted over to the passenger seat and slept for 25 minutes, then left my car. I sometimes wonder what they figured I was doing, or if they talked about the crazy neighbour who sleeps at weird times, and in his car.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Day 15

Two week mark!

I'm still pretty worn out today, but pretty much the same as I imagine everyone who had a busy weekend feels. I was quite groggy in the morning, but after my noon nap I felt a lot better. Hopefully my 5 nap makes me back up to 100%.

Overall, I'm still quite enjoying this sleep schedule. I'm starting to get to the point where I'm recommending it to people, if they want to try. I still greatly suggest you do more reading on it (via links on left, or the google) as I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert. However, the extra time in a day is pretty neat, and the shift really hasn't been that difficult. I'm also getting better at the abridged explaination of what the heck I'm doing. When people don't realize I'm serious, until I'm walking out the door for a nap, makes things a little frustrating. I'm heading to bed! I don't want to answer your 100 questions. Ask me again in 30 minutes. It helps that my roomates are willing to tell their opinions on it. They know I get a little cranky just before naps, and need like 10 minutes to fully wake up afterwards, and they are pretty good at distracting, and fielding the general questions. I just hope they aren't pushing false information.

My boss has already suggested I write a book about this. I laughed at him. That really shows how little documentation we do internally here, because if we had more docs, he's realize I'm not a very good writer. Plus I hate it. However, PureDoxyk ( ), the founder of the everyman schedule I believe is working on a book. I think that in this case I will just defer to her work. She's also been on this sleep schedule a fair bit longer than I. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll say something great on the google group, or her blog or something, and I'll be used as a quote, or example. Maybe I'll write a chapter on surviving polphasic sleeping in harsh northern climates.

We do have a wiki in the works though. I think I'll end up doing a lot more work on that, as I'm more computer competent, and I have some ideas / visions I would like to do on that wiki. I'm trying to devote a night or 2 a week to working on it. Currently it just needs a bunch of good templates established, and some of the good information from the google group and elsewhere collected together. I don't want to promote it too much jsut yet, as it's still pretty useless, but I'll let you all know as soon as it gets more benefictial.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

End of weekend

I had a very fun weekend, but not a very good one for sleeping.

Friday night I was at the Hose, having some beers with old co-workers. I entirely skipped my 11pm nap, partially because I wasn't thinking and drank rye and coke, which is caffienated, and kept me up. I was extremely exhausted the next day.

Saturday I was at a house party. I thought a little further ahead and drank beer until after my nap, which went good. But then I drank far too much, and slept through my morning alarm, and slept all the way to when I am normally waking up from my first nap... so I guess the timing worked ok, but that was far too much sleep.

So the conclusion I have come to if I can drink, but I can't get super stupid crunk, or I'll have to change the schedule somewhat temporarily, which is definitely acceptable. I knew I'd have to make some sacrifices when I started doing this, and that will apparently be one of them. The weekend though is leaving me a little more tired than I have been previously. Hopefully it doesn't take long to get back on the good schedule.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 11

I felt much better yesterday after my naps. That is one of the odd, unexpected results of this experiment so far. I am not tired before my naps usually, until about 10 or 15 minutes just before them, and I am a little groggy for about 5 minutes or so after waking up, but then I feel great. The only time I feel tired is always when I wake up from my core sleep period. It's a real chore to get up when that alarm goes off, but my nap alarms I can just spring up from. I think it's because I haven't quite nailed in the schedule of that Core sleep yet, so my body isn't getting too accustomed to it. I have successfully transitioned into 3 naps a day. Those are easy. I am also really enjoying the 4 hours or so of me time I'm getting every day after my roomies go to bed, even if I'm not really accomplishing anything great in that window yet.

I think next week, maybe tuesday or wednesday, so I can have some recovery time after the weekend, I'm going to be very rigid with my core sleep times to try and force that transition into place.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 10?

I think it's day 10. Yesterday did not go so well. My CD player was acting up on me, which cut my 5pm nap a little shorter, as I had no means to keep my white noise covering the airport traffic. I also was about 30 or 40 minutes late for my 11 nap, and both those factors combined made it a little rougher of a day. Got to bed shortly after 3, making my core 4 hours. I'm not quite at the stage where I can get by on a 3 hour core. I feel groggy when I try to.

But I feel a little groggy today, I think due to the poor sleep quality I had yesterday. I think I'll just try to take it a little easier at work this morning, and hopefully my noon nap will refresh me, and I can get the tough stuff done this afternoon.

Monday, May 21, 2007

End of Day 7

Well, I'm one week into this new sleep schedule. I'm still quite enjoying it. I have been a little disappointed the weather hasn't been nice, as I wanted to try to get in the habit of more walks and other exercise outside, but thems the breaks.

Last night I actually tried to sleep from 4-7, like the planned schedule is. I have been closer to 2:30 or 3 to 7 so far. Switching was a mistake. I am not quite ready for it yet. I was very very tired when I got up at 7 and ended up going back to sleep for another 1:30. So I think I'm going to stick with about 4 hours in that Core period for now.

I'm begun flexing some of my naps a little. On Sunday I has my noon nap at 10:30 instead, since I need to be somewhere for lunch. I was surprised at how well that worked. I wasn't tired when I laid down, but I put my cd on, and got some sleep. I didn't move my 5pm nap either, but I was very tired by the time it arrived. Some of the other naps have moved back and forth by about 30 minutes, without too much hassle or effect on my overall alertness or anything.

One of my current biggest concerns is my lack of good headphones. Currently to listen to my sleep cd I need to either be in my car, when my cd player is, or with my headset on my PC, on the futon. However, it's a little odd to have a bed upstairs that I'm only using about 3 hours a day. and also a little strange to walk out to my car for a nap while I'm at home. (although it is pretty comfortable there) So the solution I have decided on is to buy a new reasonable set of headphones to use with my ancient portable diskman, and make that my sleep hardware. Maybe this sleeping will be what I use to rationalize a purchase of an IPod. It's not too hard to convince myself I should get one. I should pick up a thin blanket that can actually cover my whole bodyIt'd be nice if I could get something that cn fold or roll up in some sort of little bag, so that it takes up less space in my car. Maybe a little pillow too. While I'm making a list of things I should get too, I need one of those face masks to cover my eyes when it's light out. Not sure where you even buy those. Maybe I'll hit walmart tomorrow or something.

Overall the weekend qent quite well for keeping my sleep schedule, but it was a less busy weekend. Next weekend will test it pretty good, as I will be trying more heavy drinking with this sleep schedule. I think it'll be interesting to see how much I can drink between say 9 and 11 to get quite drunk all night, but not too drunk so I can have a somewhat regular nap at 11. It's also a little odd to be planning to drive to a house party, that's within walking distance, just so I have a car there that I can sleep in for 30 minutes in the middle of the party. It should be fun explaining that to the people there who don't know me well too. It's hard enough explaining it to people who do know me well.

Other note: My long hair is becoming a bit of a nuisance to my napping. If I pull it back, I have a ponytail knot pushing in the back of my head, which is a little uncomfortable. If I don't pull it back, it ends up reasonably knotted and messy after a nap. Think about getting bed head not only when you wake up in the morning, but every 5 hours. As much as I'd rather not, I might have to go get my hair cut short again.

Well off to watch some TV before bed. I am enjoying the extra time I am getting in a day, but I'm not taking advantage of too much of it with any of the big tasks I wanted to accomplish yet. I'm mostly reading more, and watching more tv programs I've been intending to for awhile. Once the weather changes though I hope that will change.

That said, anyone live in the South East side, and interested in going for a walk every other day during the week at about 2am? No?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Weekend Update, End of Day 6

Well, getting close to my bed time here. Almost 4. Pretty close to the schedule I want already.

Not really much to report on, I think it's still going great. Still not feeling tired at all, except about 10 minutes before a nap time. I'm starting to flex a couple of the naps on occasion, which may not be the best plan, but I need to to fit around some other things in my schedule. Usually it's no more than about 30 minutes early, or late.

It's sort of nice to not have to nap in my car though. A futon is a bit more comfortable. I am quite confident that I can live with this sleep schedule, and I'm finding the transition easier than I was expecting. Maybe I just haven't hit the rough spots yet? Only time will tell.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Early Day 5

So I just skipped posting at all on day 4. Nothing overly eventful occured, except the season finale of The Office, which was pretty good. The sound on our downloaded copy sucked bad though, and about every 5 or so minutes we had to add a delay of about 400ms to the audio to keep it lined up. By the end of the episode it was around 4 seconds off. Talk about annoying.

Roommate Ryan is still intrigued by my new sleep schedule. I think he's pretty excited to see how I turn out on it, but I can already see his head working out how he can fit it into his life. It's hard for him, because he only get 30 minutes for lunch, and to tie that all up with a nap means no eating.

So on to my last day. Yesterday went well. my 11pm nap I didn't sleep very well, not too sure why, and as a result I was pretty tired by 3. But I also forgot to set my alarm for this morning, but even with my changed sleep habits, I didn't over sleep. That made me pretty happy, as I guess my body is getting accustomed to the new schedule. However, I feel a little tired today. My theory, even though it's kind of absurd, is that since I never heard my alarm go off, my boy is still in sleep mode, even though I'm awake. We'll see how I feel after my noon nap.
EDIT: Quick update: I had my noon nap, I was out like a light. And I feel a lot more refreshed now.

Today is also goig to be one of my first tests in how my new sleep schedule will effect my social life. We're supposed to be going out for beers around 4 today, since it's a co-workers last day, but with a nap scheduled at 5, it may be a little awkward. Whatever though. When I started out I had assumed that I would get odd reactions, and I'd have to make some sacrifices. The nap at 11 might be an issue to. Not sure where I'll be, but hopefully I can sneak off for 30 minutes. Might have a fair bit of explaining to do too.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Later day 3

So the drive home was not too fun. I am apparently already getting a little reliant on these naps. I was exhausted as soon as I walked out the door of work. I got home, and didn't even leave my car, just rolled over to the passenger seat, and pressed play on my cd, and went to sleep. I felt much better after that nap.

It's 10:30pm now, 30 minutes until my next nap, and I'm starting to feel a little worn out. I hit walmart and picked up some new cooking supplies (new cookie sheets, 2 nice big mixing bowls, and nice glass microwaveable measuring cup). I've just finished the first step to making my buns. I'll punch them down before my next nap, and again once I wake up. I think I'll bake a bunch of them tonight, and toss them in the freezer, leaving a tray or two to cook in the morning, so I can have fresh buns for breakfast (and maybe a couple to take to work) I think after I finish the first batch of buns, I'll go for a walk before bed.

I tell you, this extra time in a day is already pretty nice.

Early Day 3

I discovered last night, shortly before finding that I had no bowl in which I could make buns, that one of my roommates was unaware that I was changing my sleep schedule. I think that's a good thing, as it's showing how minimal the impact has been on my usual lifestyle. Of course it is only 2 days, but still. He seemed somewhat interested too, so when I successfully enjoy this new sleep schedule, I don't think it will be too hard to convince him to try it out.

I'm feeling a little more tired today. I went to bed around 2 or 2:30 last night. Couldn't make buns so I ended up cleaning my room somewhat, and reading. I was a little worried about reading, as I thought it might not be involving enough to help me stay up, but I had good results. I may need to pick up more books though. That means I'm already down to about 6 hours of sleep in a day, which isn't a drastic change, but I'm gradually moving towards my goal.

Looking forward to today's nap though. Still experimenting with where and how I park, and those sorts of things. I might have to spend an evening make make a reserved parking sign for when I find a spot I like, and works well for me. Or, since I am at work earlier now, I guess I can just tell the few other people that occaisionally come early to stay out of that spot. That seems less fun though.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

End of Day 2

The bun plan isn't going to work to well.

I dont have any bowl or anything big enough in which to make some dough. So alas, I won't be able to make buns tonight. I'll leave it on the list for future days. Hopefully tommorrow, or thursday.

Day 2

Well, I just woke up from my noon nap, up eating my packed lunch.

White noise CD, with alarm noise built in, is excellent. I just get in my car, pop it in, and press play, and no worrying about setting an alarm, or any of that junk. I was only hitting a light sleep, but once the alarm noise (my synthetic rooster crow) went off, it worked exactly as I hoped it would. I am really glad I started this experiment being able to wake up on the first ring of my alarm, and accustomed to such a distinct wake up noise.

It's only been about a day and a half, but I am finding this extremely easy. I feel as refreshed, or more, than I used to here at work. That nap in the middle of the day really recharges my system.

Tonight I might try just napping at 11, and stay up to 2 or 3 ish. I should probally pick up some headphones though, so I can use my nap CD a little easier at home, without driving my roomates nuts.

Overall, I think it's too early to be making any conclusions, but I am quite surprised with how easy my transition as been so far. It's only been two days, but I was still expecting it to be worse.

I might post again tonight, and update after I attempt the 11pm nap. We'll see. I'm planning on making some buns too, so I might be a bit busier tonight.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 1 Update

OK, update time. It's currently midnight on day 1, and I'm not feeling too tired yet. The week is young yet though, I think I'm just excited. I just finished making a white noise CD, with an alarm sound built in. This CD will play for 25 minutes, then kick in my alarm noise. I'm using a synthetic rooster crow, as that's what my alarm clock has, and I've been waking up to it for years.

I had another nap before heading home today at 5. It went much like my noon nap. I think the white noise will help. I might pack a pillow in my car as well. Might need to pick up a fan or something too.

So I promised earlier that I'd explain what I'm doing but after looking at my earlier post, I don't think I will. I'll just say I'm shifting my sleep schedule to more of an Everyman's sleep schedule, in the polyphasic style. There are links to the left, feel free to do more research on your own.

For informational purposes, my current plan is to have a core sleep from 4am to 7am, and a 20-25 minute nap at noon, 5pm, and 11pm. (totaling 4.5 hours of sleep a day). I've also, after some thinking, planning, and discussions on the Google group, decided to try and ease myself into it. This week is my first week, and I'm starting my noon, and 5pm naps. I am also staying up later, and waking up earlier, and trying to deprive myself of a little sleep to make those naps easier. Hopefully not sleep deprived enough to be to detrimental to my work. I hope after a couple days of getting used to the 2 hard naps, I'll start napping at 11pm, and staying up till 2 or 3. Then I'll just slowly reduce my core sleep to my goal of 4am start time.

The reason I'm doing this is for interests sake. Sounded interesting, so why not? plus "finding" and extra 4 hours in a day is not too shabby ( 28 hours a week.) I intend to use that time to learn Japanese, try to get in a bit better shape by jogging late at night, work on some hobby software ideas, and hopefully do more baking. I'll add more to the list as I get more into the swing of things. It's hard to think of thigs to do, as I don't want to do anything too physical, so I don't get too tired, nor can it be too boring, or lax, as I might just fall asleep. Suggestions will be noted and considered.

Day 1

So for those of you who don't know, I'm starting to try to shift my sleep schedule to follow the Everyman polyphasic style. I'll update again in the future, with more information.

I'm starting this blog to record my personal experiences with it, and to remember things.

I started today. I woke up at my usual time (7:30ish) and did all my normal life things. Went to bed last night at my usual time (around 11pm). So no changes as of yet. I did take 30 minutes at lunch (right at noon) and laid down in my car. I do need to pick up some sort of white noise cd (I think I'll make my own) as some of the planes were a little distracting. Generally quite surprised with the noise level though. My car was also a little warm (although I was under a blanket) so I may get in the habit of leaving my window open a crack more when I come to work in the morning. I think I'll try another nap around 5pm, before going home, as that's in my schedule, and I have nothing to rush home to.

I also intend to deprive myself of a bit of sleep tonight. Probally not too much, I'm thinking moreso in bed by 12 or 1am, and up at 7. I also need to finish my late-night ToDo list. I will need a bunch of tasks to keep me awake. I think I'll start walking a lot. I might pick up some rollerblades, and skate. Some of the other things I want to do take more brainpower, and I'm not too sure how well I'll be functioning for the first stages. Hopefully it doesn't effect my work much either.

That's it for this update. I'll get a more general post of what the heck I'm talking about maybe later today (or in the time I'm freeing up tonight.... good idea self!)